Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No love so sweet....

like getting a stash of chocolates at 75% off!


KL and I didn't celebrate Valentine's Day this year, it's a day that's increasingly become more hyped and commercialized to us. We did however head out for a great sushi dinner the day after, as well as stock up on these chocolates last night. I'm trying to make this stash here last for a year, but who am I kidding?

Hopefully this stash will last till summer.


THE CAT'S MIU said...

My friend loves getting holiday chocolates and candies on sale the day after. She's Jewish so this happens especially after Christmas or Easter, haha.

And yeah, vintage Chanels just look nicer too. And the leather... looks so nice and worn, not all fake and plasticky, shiny and the quilt is so 3D.

Thanks for the tip - I had no idea it was one of the older ones... Now if only I can come across one myself...

Dominica said...

It's commercial crap indeed but sometimes we are suckers for it !
Even when your lover should forget to give you a nice treat you would feel very bad...and that's not worth it ...
It's a good thing people enjou it with some good friends (better than a bad lover ...:-)

Nina (Femme Rationale) said...

i like buying chocolates and candies day after holidays, too. you can't beat the price. and yuummmmm to the resse's - my fave!

Anonymous said...

oh so cute! :)